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Toate serviciile costa, cine nu vrea sa plateasca - va avea surprize. Ca sa ma intereseze Revolut trebuie sa am o idee exacta a modelului de afacere, de unde castiga bani. Ca totul moaca ma face sa il ocolesc, nu sa il folosesc...Reclama la Revolut e pe toate saiturile de filme piratate de exemplu, nu este un loc unde ma satept sa gasesc reclame la firme "serioase" . Dar totusi , cine stie/intelege din ce fac ei bani? PayPal este doar un serviciu de plati si are comision "simtitor"...
in Fintech (compania din spatele Revolut)
Financial technology, often shortened to FinTech or fintech, is the new technology and innovation that aims to compete with traditional financial methods in the delivery of financial services.[1] It is an emerging industry that uses technology to improve activities in finance
In December 2018, Revolut secured a Specialised Bank licence from European Central Bank, facilitated by the Bank of Lithuania. Having secured a Specialised Bank licence, Revolut is authorised to accept deposits and offer consumer credits. The main difference between a specialised and a full-range bank is that the former is not authorised to provide investment services. At the same time, an Electronic Money Institution licence was issued by the Bank of Lithuania.
Orice banca/institutie finaciara face bani din comisioane