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Daca n-a crapat motorul meu vara asta, e adecvat uleiul.
Amsoil 0w20 16-19 euro/L...
Some unscrupulous manufacturers (and there's not many left that do this) will put a symbol on their packaging designed to look like the API symbol without actually being the API symbol. They do this in an effort to pump up the 'quality' of their product by relying on people not really knowing exactly what the proper API symbol should look like. To the left is an example of a fake symbol - it looks similar but as long as you remember what to look for, you won't get taken by this scam.Amsoil are one of the biggest inadvertent offenders of the fake API symbol. Take a look at one of their labels here on the right. See that little starburst that says "Fuel efficient formula SL-CF"? It's actually not an API-certified SL or CF oil. (To be fair, some Amsoil products are API certified and they do have the correct labelling, but their top-tier products do not). The issue of their lack of API certification on these products caused such a stir at Amsoil that they had to generate a FAQ to answer the most commonly-asked questions. You can find a copy of that here : Amsoil & API Licensing. It explains everything logcially and clearly, and it's not scientific doublespeak. Which is nice.http://www.carbibles.com/engineoil_bible.html
0w20 si nu are viata lunga, ar trebui schimbat la 7500 sau 6 luni, la inceput a fost super, masina foarte fasneata, dar in timp a inceput sa isi schimbe tonalitatea motorul.
0w20 face o pelicula mai subtire decat cea a unui 0w40, frecarea e mai mica, si uzura e mai mica. Dar daca ai particule prin motor care sunt de o dimensiune mai mare decat pelicula 0w20-ului atunci apare uzura. 0w40 e mai safe, dar mai putin performant, si trebuie sa ai cu 50% mai multa rabdare atunci cand incalzesti motorul.Dar iti si permite un interval de schimb mai indelungat, asa ca secundele pierdute la fiecare pornire le recuperezi ca nu mai faci schimbul asa des:PDeci nu-ti face griji ca e prea subtire pt clima noastra, ca nu este. Daca n-a crapat motorul meu vara asta, e adecvat uleiul. Dar nu e practic pt mine ca ar trebui sa-l schimb mai des decat cel 0w40.Si apoi mai e si pretul, Shell 0w40 9-10 euro/L, Amsoil 0w20 16-19 euro/L...si schimbat de 2 ori mai des ajunge de 4 ori mai scump. Daca aveam supercar dadeam banii astia, dar asa e bun si Shell, excelent chiar.
Se zice ca adevaru' e undeva la mijloc
Draqu mai intelege ...
Draqu mai intelege ... astia cu biblia de masini zic acolo ca 5W30 e semi-synthetic:... ok ... sint prea mic ca sa-i contrazic ... da' ma uit de ex. la astia de la Shell care zic despre Shell Helix HX7 E 5W30 ca e synthetic technology motor oil:Se zice ca adevaru' e undeva la mijloc ... da' in cazu' de fata care e de fapt adevaru' ... adica 5W30 ala de la Shell pina la urma ce fel de ulei e
notatiile respective arata gradele de vascozitate (conform SAE)... si nu cum e facut uleiul.