aici, dar internetul e plin mai ales pe BMW este o practica dupa ce il inmatriculezi pe BG si ii pui GPL.
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Maneuverability - By distancing the wheels, you can make the car more stable and improve the turn significantly.
Correction - If you have sets of wheels that do not have a offset for your car, that is, it may be too high, resulting in the wheel positioning much inside. In this situation the wheel can be rubbed by the holster or the suspension components. A set of flanges will push the wheel sufficiently outward, correcting the offset.
Aesthetic appearance - With the help of spacing flanges, push the wheels outwards for better positioning and aggressive appearance.
Release - Many wheels are not compatible with large brakes. The inside of the rim will touch the stirrups and you need a spacer to remove the rim from them.
Si aici pe forum si-au pus mai multi pe Vitara, mai ales cei care au inaltat masina.