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... uneori prefer sa fiu "stapan" pe volan.
Un sistem automat inca nu poate sti ca dupa o panta urmeaza un ambuteiaj. In schimb, memoria unui sofer poate avea aceasta "premonitie". Sau experienta. Sau conduita preventiva.Asa ca nu vad sistemul RBS un lucru absolut necesar decat pentru soferii neatenti sau nevigilenti. Posibil ca RBS sa fie considerat un sistem de siguranta si multi soferi sa uite sa se mai uite in fata .. (exagerand, evident!)Mi-ar fi placut RBS daca, pe langa franare la obstacol din fata, ar fi putut accelera in caz ca din spate se apropie altceva, neasteptat.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) announced today that 20 automakers have agreed to make automatic emergency braking (AEB) standard by September 1st, 2022, representing "more than 99 percent" of the US auto market.
In particular, ETSC welcomes the inclusion of [...] technologies that have a high potential for saving lives. [...]- Automated Emergency Braking: automatically slows down and stops the vehicle if it detects a vehicle in front. Some versions already available on the market can detect pedestrians and cyclists.