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@coby:Hughbear are perfecta dreptate. Daca ai citi macar link-urile indicate, ai intelege mai usor. (PS: Cu engleza nu cred sa ai probleme.)
Laurențiu, zau că nu înțeleg diversiunile astea și nici rolul lor.
Bun , dar tot n ai precizat care e transmisia " nu pe ambreiaj " ca de aici porneste discutia ; stiu cum functioneaza transmisia la 4x2 , 4x4 , 6x6 ( 2x1 ) etc nu stiu un exemplu de transmisie sanatoasa ( necesara pt un amarat de pug de zapada ) care sa nu implice un ambreiaj .
spui si o chestie nemaintalnita : cum sa ti se decupleze tractiunea spate cand suprasoliciti masina - pai atunci care e rolul 4x4 ? Cand da de greu se decupleaza ?
ust did about 8 minutes of donuts in the snow yesterday and the awd light started blinking. read that it means the fluid temp is high. should i change my fluid now that it has "overheated"???????
I have also had my light blinking a few times when I was hot rodding it out on the sand dunes in my area.. It does NOT like to have the wheels spinning for a long period of time.. Mine came on after about 5 mins of sand duning..
I guess I will be the one to say that you will probably be very disappointed in the AWD if you plan on Rally crossing it. You will overheat the rear coupler in no time and you will be in FWD mode only. It works great for snowy roads and brief usage but if you thrash on it it will overheat and default to 2WD.
although i have to say after 20 minutes of almost non stop drift the awd system overheated, was about 15F out(or -8C idk if i calculation in F is good), not very cold but cold enough that i didn't think it would overheat. still, everything works good now, no aparent dmg so far and i still love that car as much.
is the AWD system still electronic? I like the thought of a sport mode, but won't it overheat like the old ones if you're really out having fun?
as far as driveability and traction it's perfect. it's when you start abusing on it for some parking lot drift in the snow it's not too long before it overheats and shuts off.
The only problem I have had is overheating the coupler many times. Have not had a failure yet.
Cause it overheats... They can design one that doesn't overheat but that's not the case on our application.
This isn't a mechanically geared differential locking system, so yes, the clutches will overheat and excessive heat causes damage to just about anything.
When I asked why it hadn't overheated after they replaced the coupler I was told there were other codes and it had been shut down when it got too hot etc.
input for the 4wd module is the coupling temp sensor. every other parameter comes from CAN bus. the output is PWM current limiting to a magnet. if you switch it on 100%DC it WILL overheat even at a stop. the LOCK mode only uses about 80%DC in the PWM signal.
Only time I've had my clutchpack overheat was when screwing around and doing donuts in the snow. I've had my father's 60k Volvo S60R with a MUCH more advanced Haldex AWD system do the same thing.
I did overheat the diff oil last winter doing too many donuts in a parking lot....oops.
For serious snow or soft dirt or mud or whatever, the Lock function works great. I do not believe the clutch pack would stand up to full time Lock mode without overheating. It does have a temp sensor on it and automatically disengages if the temp gets too high. It has never happened to me but people have reported getting the overtemp/disengagment during long periods of powering around in sand.
D nu global moderator , fara suparare dar te afunzi intr o mocirla a nestiintei , grav de tot ( poti sa ma si bannezi pt afirmatia asta ) ; parerea mea este ca daca nu stapanesti cunostintele , mai bine te abtii de la comentarii , ca ne sperii .
Zau ca nu doresc sa fac nici o diversiune sau sa creez discutii inutile ci dorec doar sa se lamureasca o problema.
Un motor electric nu are nevoie de cuplare/decuplare de la roti, deci o masina electrica poate functiona fara ambreiaj.Din considerente de optimizare a consumului de curent insa, se pot pune (si se pun) cutii de viteze si la ele, deci in acest caz e nevoie in final si de un ambreiaj.Daca ne referim la poza pusa de @gabineg, desi pare o idee putin absurda la prima 'auditie', o masina electrica (... fara ambreiaj, ca sa sprijin afirmatia lui @hugbear ) poate fi mai buna decat cea din poza sau una din aceeasi marime cu un ambreiaj oricat de bun. Motivele ar fi urmatoarele: - data fiind marimea masinii, nu e vorba de un "des-"zapezitor real ... care sa iasa in conditii foarte grele si sa rezolve zeci/sute de km de autostrada; ci de o chestie locala, in jurul casei ... a blocului, a cvartalului, a cartierului.In virtutea acestui tip de utilizare, o masina cu un motor electric bun si baterii decente poate oferi suficienta autonomie (inclusiv la temperaturi scazute) pentru scenariul descris mai sus. In plus dispune de cuplu bun si instant la orice turatie, mentenanta scazuta datorita numarului scazut de elemente in miscare, posibil si pret mai scazut pentru incarcare baterii in raport cu petrolul.Una peste alta ... daca la prima vedere ar parea hazliu, la o a doua pare chiar avantajos. Probabil la o a treia privire ar apare si dezavantajele, dar o las pentru maine, ca la mine e noapte acum si vreau sa ma culc fericit .