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La ce ajută această caracteristică RC? Simplu, o baterie cu RC mai mare poate alimenta mai mult timp sistemul audio când maşina este parcată. Dacă aveţi clienţi care alimentează numeroase dispozitive electrice, recomandaţi-le bateria cu RC-ul mai mare.Dacă în schimb aveţi clienţi care ţin maşina parcată perioade lungi de timp, recomandaţi bateriile de tip “deep-cycle”.http://ic-echipamente.ro/Articole/Acumulatorul-auto--Cat-mai-tine--eID41.html
Cu prima ocazie, scoate bateria din locasul ei si tine-o 12 ore la incarcat, pe un redresor de baterii. http://casasigradina.ele.ro/Utile/Cum-pornesti-masina-daca-ai-ramas-fara-baterie.html
Dacă în schimb aveţi clienţi care ţin maşina parcată perioade lungi de timp, recomandaţi bateriile de tip “deep-cycle”.
If you change your replacement battery to another battery type, you might have to adjust the charging voltage to prevent undercharging or overcharging that could damage or reduce the service life of your new battery. For example, replacing an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) wet sealed "Maintenance Free" with a wet non-sealed Low Maintenance battery (with filler caps) might cause the Low-Maintenance battery to be slightly overcharged and consume more water. If you charge a wet "Maintenance Free" battery with a charging system or charger designed for a wet Low Maintenance battery (with filler caps), you could undercharge the wet "Maintenance Free" battery. Replacing any other non-Gel Cell type of battery with a Gel Cell VRLA battery could overcharge it.
The length of time to fully recharge the battery depends on the amount of discharge, the amount of surplus current that is diverted to the battery, how long the engine is run, engine speed (RPM), and ambient temperature. An alternator is sized by the vehicle manufacturer to carry the maximum accessory load and to maintain a battery and NOT to recharge a dead battery. For example, if 300 amps were consumed for two seconds to start a car from a fully charged battery, it will take an 80 amp charging system approximately 10 seconds at 3000 RPM to replace the .167 amp hours of power used. If 25 amps are available to recharge the battery, it will take 30 seconds at 1100 RPM and at least 10 minutes at 750 RPM at one amp. With a dead 120 minute RC (60 amp hour) battery, it would take approximately 90 minutes at 80 amps at 3000 RPM and at least five hours at 1100 RPM at 25 amps to fully charge (100% State-of-Charge) it.
nu mai am sperante mari de la bateria actuala,
Nu stiu daca sa iau una medie 250-300 roni sau una mai de soi, pe la 400. 50-60Ah maxim.
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