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din cate stiu eu, tot ce este cu gaura mai mare decat butucul necesita inele de ghidaj
Stii asta de unde ? De la mecanicii de prin parcarile blocului, de la atelierele de vulcanizare ? Spune-mi te rog in ce grosime de carne imi montezi un inel de centrare la o janta de tabla ? Cei care au pe masini jante de tabla, iti pot spune ca au inele de centrare pe ele iar gaura este de fix 60 ?
1. bine ca sunteti voi plini de desteptaciune, si ne-am trezit noi muritorii sa vorbim in fata voastra, si ne luati peste picior.2. pe o janta de tabla montez un inel de centrare pe grosimea buzei de la alezajul central...
Daca vei privi o janta de tabla ORIGINALA, chit ca e pe 14", 15" sau 16", vei observa ca centrarea si sprijinul ei se face doar pe suruburi.
... when the wheel is installed, there will most likely be a space between the axle and the hub instead of a firm contact. The wheel is therefore lug-centric, as the wheel is centered by the lugs rather than by the hub. There are some people who will say that driving on lug-centric wheels doesn't really matter as long as the lugnuts are the self-centering cone type, as they will adequately center the wheel. These people are wrong. Driving on lug-centric wheels means that any impact will apply shear force to the lug studs, forces at 90 degrees to those the studs are designed to handle. This can cause the lug studs to bend, leading to a vibration in the car as the wheel slips around on the mounting plate, and possibly damaging the wheel's center bore if it has enough play to contact the axle. To prevent this kind of thing, aftermarket wheels will usually need hub-centric spacers...Do not make the mistake of thinking that spacers are optional equipment, or that a retailer is trying to upsell you on some useless accessories. Hub-centric spacers are actually about as necessary for aftermarket wheels as lugnuts are. Keep the proper fitment for your wheels and you'll be driving happy for a good long time.