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Trump și-a pus proiectele militare în aplicare. A dovedit că terorismul internațional este un pion nesemnificativ, care fusese umflat „cu pompa” de către guvernările globaliste ale SUA. "
Eu unul sincer cred in ce spunea Rațiu :"Ma voi lupta cu toată puterea mea sa ai dreptul sa nu fii de acord cu mine!".
Caci pentru mine contează efectul, nu explicația lui - care este la mana oratorului si succesul e garantat de capacitatea sa oratorica, nu de adevăr... si daca nu ma credeți, vedeți cohortele de urmăritori fideli ai Antenei 3...
[...]That Momentum recently felt the need to produce a video urging its members not to be seduced by the age-old conspiracy theory that the Rothschilds secretly rule the world confirms that a certain kind of leftist – one who blames capitalism’s deformities on evil individuals, rather than structures – can be susceptible to the lure of antisemitism.[...]The historical explanation for this enduring linking of Jews and money is that Jews were pushed into financial roles by a church that barred Christians from, say, lending money for interest, and barred Jews from doing much else, such as owning and farming land.[...], in a feudal society in which Jews could be neither peasants nor lords, there was “no other niche” available.[...]Whatever its origins, the archetype of the avaricious Jew acquired its place in the culture. It can operate at the level of playground insult – “Jew” as a synonym for stinginess – and at the level of global conspiracy theory, with Jews, or “Rothschilds”, the hidden hand pulling the strings of world capitalism and its necessary corollary, imperialism. It is planted deep in the soil of western civilisation...
Ei bine, specialistul serviciilor secrete româneşti Ilie Torsan decriptează fraza pe baza unui cod folosit şi în cazul interogatoriului lui Eminescu, cu un rezultat care îţi dă fiori: “Maiorescu, Marele Mason… “. Iar numele zeului cu 1000 de ochi devine “Ateul” şi, în acelaşi timp, “O ştiu!”. Iata cheia spartă: