Aici a tinut strict de sofer. "Bizonu'" a ignorat cea mai elementara regula la condusul prin apa - mersul incet.
Roger Crathorne, manager of the Land Rover Driving Experience, explains. "If there's one thing that will stop you, apart from underwater obstructions such as sunken trees, it is water being sucked into the engine. You must understand the geography of your vehicle, particularly where the engine's air intake is; which side of the car, at the front or the back and, crucially, how low it is. Some off-roaders have particularly low and vulnerable air intakes.
"You should always enter water really slowly (about 1-2mph), but if you then accelerate to about 3-4mph you can create a bow wave in front of the vehicle, which will create a depression in the engine bay and keep the air intake clear of water. This technique doesn't work with beam-axled 4x4s, as the water tends to hit the front axle beam and squirt straight into the engine bay."