Alo, alo. Alternatorul nu are nimic; daca tu masori 14,4 V la bornele bateriei montate pe masina cu motorul pornit, ESTE FOARTE BINE. Daca ai masurat insa 15,7 V la borne cu bateria deconectata de la redresor/alternator, NU E BINE; o baterie noua are maxim 13-13,5 V la borne.
16 V la incarcare deja e prea mult, dupa cum e detaliat
aici, ala deja e regim de desulfatare (reconditionare) care nu trebuie tinut prea mult timp. Daca ai "fiert-o", inseamna ca ai scos apa din electrolit si ar trebui sa completezi cu apa distilata.
Scurgerile de electrolit pot sa provoace coroziune la borne (acidul din electrolit + plumbul bornelor), si o sa vezi pudra alba in jurul bornelor si pe baterie (vezi ca-i toxica la atingere). Poate ar merita sa cureti si bornele daca tot faci gimnastica la demontare/montare
Inca o chestie de bagat la cap - The following is common for a six-cell automotive lead-acid battery at room temperature:
Quiescent (open-circuit) voltage at full charge: 12.6 V
Fully discharged: 11.8 V
Charge with 13.2–14.4 V
Gassing voltage: 14.4 V
Continuous-preservation charge with max. 13.2 V
After full charge the terminal voltage will drop quickly to 13.2 V and then slowly to 12.6 V
Open circuit voltage is measured 12 hours after charging to allow surface charge to dissipate and enable a more accurate reading.
All voltages are at 20 °C, and must be adjusted -0.022V/°C for temperature changes (negative temperature coefficient - lower voltage at higher temperature).
The open circuit voltage, is measured when the engine is off and no loads are connected. It can be approximately related to the charge of the battery by:
Open circuit voltage Approximate charge Relative acid density
12 V 6 V
12.60 V 6.32 V 100% 1.265 g/cm3
12.35 V 6.22 V 75% 1.225 g/cm3
12.10 V 6.12 V 50% 1.190 g/cm3
11.95 V 6.03 V 25% 1.155 g/cm3
11.70 V 6.00 V 0% 1.120 g/cm3
Ah, si poate muta cineva ultimele posturi la
topicul cu redresorul, care si ala ar trebui mutat de la sectiunea SX4 la "diverse".