1. Sys Admin UNIX (Linux) Sr. Specialist
2. Network Design Specialist
3. Reporting Specialist
4. App. Dev. Analyst (T-COM team)
5. Sys Admin UNIX (Linux) Analyst (T-COM team)
ASZ daca prietenul tau e specializat pe Unix, poate are sanse. Pe windows nu mai avem pozitii momentan.
Stefan job-ul de network disign specialist nu are nici o tangenta cu grafica
(requirements: 5 + years Cisco network Engineering experience with routers, switches, LAN, WAN, dynamic routing protocols (BGP, EIGRP and OSPF) and Cisco PIX/ASA.....etc)
Pentru detalii va stau la dispozitie.
Later edit:
De ce a ajuns acest topic la "Home Entertainment" ?