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On October 13, 2010, the Orbán government announced that it would divert the 8-percent-of-gross-wage private pension-fund contribution of employees in Hungary to the state for a period of 14 months beginning in November of that year. The declared objective of this temporary diversion of mandatory private pension-fund contributions to the state was to help the Orbán government reduce the central budget deficit to the 3-percent-of-GDP necessary to gain Hungary’s removal from the European Union’s Excessive Deficit Procedure. [...]Use of Nationalized Private Pension Fund Savings to Reduce State Debt On March 2, 2011, National Economy Minister György Matolcsy announced that the government would use 63 percent of the revenue from private pension-fund savings ceded to the government to reduce Hungary’s state debt to 76–77 percent of GDP (source in Hungarian). Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced on June 21 that the government had used 1.35 trillion forints in private pension-fund savings relinquished to the government to pay down Hungary’s state debt (see The Orbán Government and Public Debt).
Forta de munca din Romania a suferit o schimbare structurala consistenta in ultimii 10 ani: in industrie s-au pierdut 450.000 de locuri de munca, dar a crescut numarul angajatilor din IT (cu 80.0000), comert (cu peste 200.000) si cei din administratia publica- cu 200.000, a spus marti Vasile Iuga, senior adviser PwC, la o conferinta organizata de cursdeguvernare.ro. Iuga s-a mai referit si la aportul adus economiei romanesti de companiile cu capital strain. "Capitalul strain reprezinta 8% din numarul de companii din Romania, are 40% din active, un sfert din angajati, 80% din exporturi si o productivitate de trei ori mai mare decat industria romaneasca", a precizat Iuga.Senior adviserul PwC a tinut sa demonteze mitul potrivit caruia Romania este piata de desfacere a UE. Deficitul comercial al Romaniei este -in cea mai mare parte- produs de comertul extern cu tarile fostului grup Visegrad. Romania nu e piata de desfacere a UE, ca dovada inregistram excedent comercial cu multe din tarile avansate", a mai spus Iuga.
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