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E doar o incercare la nivel de incepator. Samsung Galaxy J5 tinut in mână in faţa ocularului, iar luneta e o Sky-Watcher 90/910 mm pe o montură NEQ3-2, din balconul apartamentului. M-a ajutat mult ca am motor pe axa orara si nu trebuie sa repozitionez des luneta spre "ţintă"...Am facut multe poze, cred ca vreo 50, dar numai astea sunt cât de cât clare. La ocular se vedea mult mai clar, chiar daca "fierbea" imaginea din cauza turbulentelor de la caldura Soarelui si pentru ca era destul de jos.
Multumesc @toma, @NicNic, @lucianer!Astrofotografia e scumpa si nu ma atrage. Am incercat pozele astea pentru raritatea evenimentului. Urmatorul tranzit va fi pe 13 nov. 2032!
The EQ3-2 mount:This mount is a further development of the EQ-3 mount designed in white. It provides a stable base for most medium-sized optics and is ideal for exploring the night sky. Once you have aligned the parallactic mount with the Pole Star, you can easily sight on an object, adjust it in the field of view and track it using the flexible slow-motions. Fine adjustment is possible in both right ascension and declination. The polar elevation at the observing site can be set using the fine scale provided and adjusted perfectly by using two screws. Both polar finder and electric motors plus a control can be retrofitted to both axes: the EQ3-2 is suitable not only for visual observing, but also for getting started in astrophotography. With optional add-ons such as the motor kit or GoTo upgrade kit, long exposure astrophotography also becomes possible. With a little practice, you will soon be able to produce successful images of galaxies and nebulae.