Daca Benjamin Franklin scria in urma cu peste 150 de ani
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
un corolar al vremurilor noastre ar fi
However, exchanging bodily sovereignty for convenience is never a fair transaction. It almost always serves to benefit those who desire more control over our lives.
The Internet of BodiesDoar ca de aceasta data avem un factor nou si puternic destructurant la adresa societatii - tehnologia. Poate nu este asa de nou, insa a ajuns pe culmi nemaiintalnite in trecut.
Policy making is increasingly about experimentation. Governments are creating spaces to test new ideas – including regulatory sandboxes, test beds, laboratories, innovation spaces or experimentation programmes – that are outside of standard governance procedures
https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/10/agile-governance-could-help-manage-uncertainty/In limba neaosa, faradelegi. Acestea se intampla si in lumea actuala in contextul pandemiei, nu doar in cea prezentata de WEF. Tot ce trebuie este ca natiunile globului sa adere la
Agile Software GovernmentFor example, businesses can be encouraged to govern themselves through market-led governance mechanisms, such as self-regulated industry codes of conduct.
auto-normate ? interesant
Citizens, as well as business, can be regularly engaged for feedback and ideas on government policy-making through crowdsourcing.
Atata timp cat, ca si in ziua de azi, ei sunt la butoanele mecanismelor de comunicatii (i.e. ale cenzurii), sigur, sa participe toata lumea!