Cu referire la subiectul topicului, nu contează dacă e Auto sau Sport.
Din cate am citit si sper ca am inteles bine, in modul AUTO 4x4 se activeaza automat in anumite situatii deci pentru testele mele era cea mai buna optiune si singura de altfel
Asa cum am mentionat, a fost bine pentru ca am testat pe asfalt curat.
In modul Sport eu banuiesc ca ai inca tractiune pe ambele punti deoarece "In this mode traction control intervention is weakened instead, this is so that acceleration response is improved, so you can turn corners with much more ease." + "In this mode, the system locks the torque distribution between the front and rear wheels, providing equal torque to all four wheels. The traction control system applies braking to wheels that are spinning without traction."
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